Saturday, July 15, 2006

Dog Clip

Cat Clip

COK's Recipes with Heart

Model Programs (TNR, Spay, Adoption)

Meat Inhumane and Inefficient

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Chain Off 2006

Chained Dogs Suffer in Heat and Cold

Report chained dogs to animal control. Legally, dogs need food, water and shelter in any weather. Some towns ban or limit chaining.

SHARE the World

Get a free video for your classroom. Click heading.


For only thirty dollars you can donate 32 copies of KIND News delivered monthly to a classroom for the school year. The colorful newspaper is available for grades K-2, 3-4, or 5-6 from the National Association for Humane and Environmental Education (NAHEE) the youth education division of HSUS and includes articles, projects and puzzles which teach the value of kindness to people, animals and the environment. Each order comes with a teacher’s guide. Discounts are available to nonprofits or animal care agencies.