Saturday, June 21, 2008

Treadmill Kitties

Where Does Your Pet Sleep?

• 59% in bed with you
• 14% in their own beds (not inside a crate)
• 13% in crates
• 3% anywhere they want
• 2% under or beside the bed
• 2% in the hallway, guarding
• 7% miscellaneous answers, including in the recliner, on the couch, etc.
from Petfinder newsletter

Keeping Your Dog Cool

Thinking About Adopting a Cat

New No-Kill Advocate

Does Language Matter? The most important word of all.
The Wild Life of Domestic Cats. A new look at an old friend.
Stoking the Fires. A call to protect Pit Bulls.
Unshackling Ourselves from Defeatism. Towards a No Kill nation.
Fear Mongering. The dog bite epidemic that wasn't there.
The 90% Rule. Honesty in reporting.
A Tour of U.S. Shelters. Be a witness to the truth.
Cats Outdoors! Beyond the Dogma.
Ban the Gas Chamber. A call to end cruel killing.
What is an Adoptable Dog? Beyond the rhetoric.
A Call for Regime Change. The first step toward No Kill.
Other great articles, overheard, and more...

The Cat from Hue

Dog Rescuer Sued

Kids and Dogs Safety Tips

HSUS Reward for Reporting Dog Fighting

Dogs to Work Day

Wild Ringtones

Gardening for Wildlife

Butterfly Gardening

Finding A Good New Home for Your Pet

Elephant Painting Video

Guide to ACO Classroom Visits

Training Wheels

Raising Feral Kittens

Raising Kittens

Madies Marketing Award

Iraqui Dogs at Home in Michigan