Sunday, December 30, 2007

Cold Outside Tips from ASPCA

· Keep your kitties indoors!
· Never let your dog run around off his leash on snow or ice—especially during a snowstorm. Dogs might lose their scent in snow and ice and become lost.
· Wipe off your dog's paws, legs, and stomach when he comes in from the snow or ice. Salt or other chemicals might make your dog sick if he swallows them while licking his paws. What's more, his paw pads are sensitive and might bleed if snow or ice covers them.
· If your pooch has very short hair, think about getting him a warm doggie coat or sweater. Make sure he is protected on top and on his belly.
· Never leave your dog, cat, or any other animal friend alone in a car in very cold weather!
· Some dogs may be sensitive to the cold because they are sick, old, or simply because of the breed (type of dog) they are.
· If your dog spends lots of time outside playing with you, make sure you and your family give him plenty of food and water to keep his fur thick and healthy all through the winter.
· Make sure all of your animal friends have a warm place to sleep that's off the floor and away from places where cold air might get in. They would be happy and cozy in a doggie or kitty bed or cuddled up on a warm blanket.